
East Cobb Quilters' Guild

ECQG at St. Ann's

Where We Meet
Catholic Church of St. Ann
Marietta GA 

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East Cobb Quilters’ Guild Challenge



If Mondrian Painted Elephants…

Quilt Maker:  Melinda Rushing

37 inches W x 40 inches L

This quilt is inspired by Mondrian’s exploration of abstraction and geometric harmony. This quilt translates the natural elegance of elephants into a visual language of lines, shapes, and primary colors. By using Mondrian’s grid-like composition and minimalistic forms, I sought to portray these majestic creatures into their most fundamental shapes. The flowing curves of the elephants are represented by soft, curved lines within the constraints of the grid, emphasizing the connection between the two figures.

Click to Enlarge
Inspired by:
Artist: Piet Mondrian
Art Piece: Composition A
Art Link

2nd Place

Song for Sonia

Quilt Maker: Andrea Barrett
36 inches W x 50.5 inches L

This quilt honors the work of Sonia Delaunay, a French artist of the Bauhaus school who created gouache paintings and textile art exploring color interactions and circles. Her work dances with color and energy!

Click to Enlarge
Inspired by:
Artist: Sonia Delaunay
Art Piece: Automne (Autumn), circa 1970
Art Link

3rd Place

Gustav Klimt…

Quilt Maker:  Kathleen Hollingsworth
43 inches W x 41 inches L

For as long as I can remember I have loved Gustav Klimt paintings…
This challenge inspired me to research Klimt’s life. He loved women and portrayed their beauty, which is why I am drawn to his works. This collage represents four of his works and the embellishments he used in his paintings. I love Klimt’s works!

Click to Enlarge
Inspired by:
Artist: Gustav Klimt
Art Piece: The Kiss
Art Link

4th Place


Quilt Maker: Evelyn Kennedy
40 inches W x 34 inches L

My parents once greeted me at their door in this pose. I couldn’t resist taking their photo. It reminds me of American Gothic by Grant Wood.



Click to Enlarge
Inspired by:
Artist: Grant Wood
Art Piece: American Gothic
Art Link

5th Place

Love Your Mother

Quilt Maker:  Vickie Lord
36 inches W x 48 inches L

Inspired by Alphonse Mucha and the Art Nouveau movement, “Love Your Mother” features an Earth Mother figure embracing the earth. The phrase reminds us of the care and respect we owe our planet. The quilt honors both the elegance of Mucha’s art and the nurturing spirit of Mother Earth.


Click to Enlarge
Inspired by:
Artist: Alphonse Mucha
Art Piece: La Plume
Art Link


FEB 28

Member Spotlight

Member Spotlight: Triple Treat

Join us as we see quilts from our members Betsy Edmondson, Andrea Barrett and Joan Roeber-Jones.

Betsy, Andrea and Joan all displayed stunning quilts in our 2024 show last June. Come to the February meeting and learn more about their quilting journeys. They will each share a few of their quilts and tell us a bit about their quilting style, as well as their perspective on what makes a quilt successful.



MAR 27-28

Tara Miller

Tara Miller, a vibrant force in the world of quilting, is an author, historian, teacher, lecturer and independent researcher.

At the Thursday Evening Meeting, you will see Tara’s trunk show and participate in a Q&A. During her Friday lecture, The Magic of Mixing Prints, Tara will show us how to combine colors, motifs and styles of fabric to elevate our quilting projects. Tara will be teaching two workshops.

Thursday Workshop: Legacy Wheel

Saturday Workshop: Churned Up!

APR 24-25

Audra Rasnake

Audra Rasnake is a fourth-generation quilter who grew up in the foothills of the Virginia Appalachian Mountains. Audra, describes herself as an “indoor girl” and enjoys making her award-winning quilts one at a time. She never makes the same quilt twice. A desire to try new things keeps her learning at least one unfamiliar technique to incorporate into each of her award-winning quilts. Like many of us Audra says, “Quilting brings me so much joy.”


Thursday Workshop: Cutwork Applique Your Way

Saturday Workshop: Belle Boutis


Welcome to East Cobb Quilters’ Guild

Welcome to the East Cobb Quilters’ Guild!  ECQG is made up of more than 300 quilters who share a love of quilts, and whose quilts are as diverse as the quilters themselves.  At our meetings you will see traditional and modern, pieced and applique, large and small, hand-quilted and machine quilted.  You will find quilters who are newbies and those who have been quilting for decades.  Our roots are in East Cobb County, but our members live in the Atlanta metro area and beyond.

Our meetings are held at Catholic Church of St. Ann in La Salette Hall in Marietta:

Catholic Church of St. Ann
4905 Roswell Rd.
Marietta, GA 30062

Our Day meeting starts at 10:00 a.m. on the last Friday of each month (except for November and December) and our Evening Meeting is held on the Thursday evening before the Day Meeting starting at 6:45 p.m.

The Guild provides a variety of events and activities that promote the art of quilting, foster community goodwill and create an atmosphere where fellowship and friendships prosper.   

Although visitors are welcome at both of our monthly meetings, why not consider joining the Guild?  You can see the benefits of membership on our Join Us page.  If you enjoy quilting, we are confident you will find your niche within our group.


Meetings and Programs

  • Day Meeting – Last Friday of Month
  • Evening Meeting – Thursday before Day Meeting
  • Nationally Acclaimed Speakers
  • Workshops (discounted for members)
  • Local Speakers
  • Show and Tell
  • Special Programs

Community Service

  • Quilts for DFCS
  • Pillowcases for Ryan’s Cases for Smiles
  • Placemats for Meals on Wheels
  • Beads of Courage bags for Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta


  • Borrow Quilt Books from our Library
  • Books available in 12 different categories


  • Monthly Newsletter
  • See the fun we have when we get together

Quilt Show

  • Biennial Georgia Celebrates Quilts® Show
  • 300+ Quilts by Georgia Quilters

Plus More …

  • Access to Local Bee Groups
  • Special Quilt Exhibits
  • Challenge Quilts

What East Cobb Quilters’ Guild members have to say:

“I thought I knew about quilting as I have made a few in my time. But because there are so many different types of quilters, really cool tools AND guild members are willing to share best practices, I have begun to create at a level I never imagined. Thank you and I look forward to even better technique and skill.”

Member since 2021

“I’ve been involved for less than a year and have found ECQG to be a fun group of dedicated, amazing quilters and artists with a wide variety of experience. Everyone is friendly and willing to help you out.”

Member since 2022

“My neighbor asked me to join her at this meeting. She was a longtime quilter and I was not.  Was immediately overcome with the process, joined that day and volunteered to work in the library so I could study the books. Have been a quilter since and love it!. ECQG is very organized.”

Member since 1990

“Every year the guild offers a series of classes that are taught by the “A team” of quilters from all over the country. These are the kind of classes you would take if you went to a national show. Even during the pandemic when teachers didn’t travel, ECQG had classes – zoom classes. I had a great zoom class with Melinda Bula. The classes are gold.”

Member since 2016

“What I find of extraordinary value to me is when, during the Show and Tell portion of our guild meeting, individual members, usually being quite modest, show their creations in fabric which are above and beyond my imagination.”

Member since 2019

“ECQG is one of the most generous and talented guilds in which I have been a member. Beginners are constantly encouraged by the membership who excel in design and workmanship.”

Member since 2015


2025 Goal: 325


Our quilts will be shared with boys and girls of all ages, as well as adults.   Visit our Community Service page to see the list of Partnering Agencies that the East Cobb Quilters’ Guild supports with quilts.

2025 Goal: 400

Pillowcases for Ryan's Case for Smiles

A bright, fun pillowcase can brighten a sick child’s day.

2025 Goal: 400

Placemats for Meals on Wheels

Hundreds of older adults and disabled individuals are served by the Cobb County Meals on Wheels Program staffed by volunteer drivers. Lunch is a lot more fun with a pretty placemat, especially at holiday time.

2025 Goal: 250

Flannel Blankets

Our local school system works with thousands of children each year experiencing homelessness. This year, we will be making these flannel blankets for them that can fit in a kid’s backpack.

2025 Goal: 400 Pairs

Bereavement Diapers

Bereavement diaper sets are given to families that lose a child to miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death – they receive a set of two, one for their baby, and one as a keepsake.

2025 Goal: 1,000

Scent Pads

NICU preemies are comforted with the familiar scent of mom and dad thru the use of Scent Pads.

2025 Goal: 100

Teddy Bear

Northside Hospital Atlanta gives out welcome packets to parents when their babies are admitted to the NICU. These cute teddy bears will be included in those welcome packets.  Click here for the pattern.

2025 Goal: 300

Small Pillowcases

Northside Hospital Atlanta delivers more babies than any other hospital in the country. Annually the hospital receives approximately 1300-1400 babies in their NICU. These small pillowcases are for the positional pillows used with the babies in NICU. Click here for the pattern.