Join Us
New members may join at any time during the year. Just stop by the membership table at the Guild meeting, join online by clicking the button below, or mail in the 2025 Paper Membership Form. Annual dues which cover the calendar year, are $40. Between June 1 and September 30, dues are $25 for the remainder of the year. Between October 1 and December 31, dues are $40 for the remainder of the current year and the entire next year. For inclusion in the printed membership directory and to ensure continuous membership, please submit dues and the completed form by the January Guild meeting.
Meetings and Programs
- Day Meeting – Last Friday of Month
- Evening Meeting – Thursday before Day Meeting
- Nationally Acclaimed Speakers
- Workshops (discounted for members)
- Local Speakers
- Show and Tell
- Member Directory
- Special Programs
Monthly Meetings
Show and Tell
- We LOVE Show and Tell !!!
- Share your projects and be insipired by others
Community Service
- Quilts for DFCS
- Pillowcases for Ryan’s Cases for Smiles
- Placemats for Meals on Wheels
- Beads of Courage bags for Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
Quilts for
Dept of Family and
Childrens Services
Bead Bags for
Childrens Hospital
- Borrow Quilt Books from our Library
- Over 700+ titles
- Books available in 12 different categories
Quilting Books Galore
Check them Out!
Quilt Show
- Biennial Georgia Celebrates Quilts® Show
- No fee for entering quilts
- 300+ Quilts by Georgia Quilters
Vendors – Shopping!
Membership also has its expectations. We are run by volunteers, and we invite you to jump in and volunteer with us. Lots of opportunities are available.
For more information, please contact our Membership Chairperson.
Plus More …
- Access to Local Bee Groups, learn more about ECQG Bees
- Special Quilt Exhibits
- Challenge Quilts
- Fun, friendship and lots of inspiration!
Special Exhibits
Ruby Ruby 2023 Winner