Programs and Workshops
Looking Ahead To 2025 Guest Speakers




Special Events
*** PLEASE read this section before registering and paying for any tickets ***
You want it, we’ve got it! We have a rich history of bringing in speakers from the cutting edge, be they local or far-flung. Sprinkle in Community Service, the annual Challenge, and Show and Tell – our meetings are always social events. Whether you come for the education, the inspiration or the uplifting, come join an enthusiastic group! Click on the blue button below to see the Full Calendar Of Guild Events.
Evening Meetings: The evening meeting begins at 6:45 pm and lectures begin promptly at 7:00 pm.
Day Meetings: Doors open at 9:30 am, and meetings begin at 10:00 am – the lecture portion of the program begins promptly at 11:00 am.
Lectures: ALL meetings and lectures are free to our members. There is a $10 non-member guest/visitor fee for all meetings when there is a professional speaker. Click on the blue button below to see the Full Calendar Of Guild Events and to purchase non-member tickets for professional speakers. Non-members, please print your email confirmation and bring it as your admission ticket.
Workshops: Registration opens to guild members on the 5th of the month, in the month prior to the workshop (for example, tickets go on sale January 5th for February workshops). Registration and wait lists open to non-members 15 days later (e.g. January 20th for February workshops). Registration closes at 5 pm the day prior to the workshop (subject to availability). Click on the blue button below for the Full Calendar Of Guild Events – there you will find detailed descriptions and photographs for each workshop, as well as registration information for both members and non-members (e.g. ticket sale dates, pricing, applicable kit fees, ordering deadlines, shipping information, venues, etc.). All workshop registrations are accessed and paid for through this website. Registration is made by payment of the workshop fee and is accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Payment must be made by credit card at the time of registration to secure your place in the workshop. If you are not on the registration list, you will not be admitted to the workshop.
Workshop Fees: New for 2025–Workshop fees vary. Skill Builders are members-only workshops, and cost only $10. Many workshops are $55 members/ $70 non-members. Occasionally, workshop fees are a bit more, allowing us to invite speakers whose fees are higher or to present multi-day workshops. In addition, some workshops require the purchase of a kit or special tool.
Workshop Supplies: Please read carefully through the workshop description and supply list well in advance. If a kit, pattern or other items are required, you need time to order them. ECQG provides irons and ironing boards, cutting mats, a name tag, and a trash bag. Do not bring your own large iron, as the electrical systems at our venues only permit additional mini irons. Plan to bring standard sewing supplies in addition to the specific supply list for each workshop.
Standard Sewing Supplies: Typical workshop sewing supplies include scissors (small and large), thread, hand or machine needles, pins, pincushion, ruler(s), rotary cutter, seam ripper, extension cord, and sewing machine (with attachments, foot pedal, power cord, and bobbins). Note that some workshops do not require a sewing machine, so please take the time to read thru your workshop supply list.
Workshop Venues: Our workshops will be taking place at different locations–please pay close attention to this when registering. The venue name, address and map are provided on each workshop page. For workshops taking place at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta (CHOA), (1) if you feel you are at risk, please have your mask on before you enter the building and (2) please be mindful that the parking spots closest to the front door are needed by patients – you are welcome to use the portico to drop off your supplies and then park on the outer fringes of the parking lot.
Workshop Wait List: If tickets for a workshop are sold out, you will have the opportunity to put your name on a wait list. If / when a spot becomes available, we will contact you by email. When contacted, you must complete your registration and purchase your ticket within 24 hours, or we will move to the next person on the wait list. Wait lists are exclusive to members from the 5th to the 20th of the month in which tickets go on sale. Wait lists open to non-members on the 20th of that month.
Workshop Cancellation Guidelines: If you need to cancel your registration and you notify at least 14 days prior the workshop, you will receive a refund (for example, if the workshop is on January 15, you must notify us no later than January 1). If you cancel your workshop registration after that date and we can fill your seat from the wait list, you will receive a refund; if we are unable to fill your seat, no refund will be issued. Workshop registration is non-transferable. A credit card processing fee will be deducted from any refunds.
Questions: Please email